

Monday, June 17, 2013


A recent conversation with someone and how they reacted to a traffic altercation inspired me to write.

NO MATTER WHAT SOMEONE ELSE DOES TO YOU, YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE OF HOW YOU'RE GOING TO REACT.  You don't have to 'flip the bird' in return.  You don't have to swear back.  You don't have to hit back.  You don't have to stoop to their level.  You do have an ability to make a choice.

In a striking example of coincidence there was even a news report on tonight of parents involved in a physical altercation at their children's sports day event.  The parent who did most of the damage in the fight was reportedly heard saying, "she started it".  This parent, and everyone else on the face of the earth, can make the choice to not take the eye for an eye mentality.

I strongly urge you to think about who's watching when you choose how you're going to react.  Kids?  Family?  Friends?  Colleagues?  Boss?  How you react to any situation will create a perception of you in other's eyes.  What perception do you want people to have of you?  Their perception is created by you and only you.

Something I always try to do is look at the situation from the other person's point of view.  Maybe they're having a bad day, they're running late or they've just received some bad news.  Regardless, you have no idea why they reacted the way they did, so don't form negative assumptions, rather choose to do the right thing and make the situation better with your reaction.  Besides, it's more important to be happy then right.  Agree?

Like I've said may times in the past, success kn anything comes down to choice and discipline, and the same goes for when you're faced with a tough situation.  Make the right choice for your success, happiness and health.

How great would the world be if we all lived our lives seeking to understand and choosing a positive response in every challenging situation?  One person at a time, we can get there.

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