

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rule #8 - Be Honest With Yourself, and Others

This seems so simple and matter-of-fact but it's all to often ignored; the importance of being honest.

We've all done it, myself included, told the little white lie (to ourselves or others) or even told a big hairy lie.  Big ir small, ourself or to others, out of avoidance or fear, no matter why we weren't truthful, we made the easy decision.

Telling the truth is rarely the easy road to travel; truth can make you unpopular, people may not believe you, truth can hurt others or even ourself.  A lot of the time truth is hard so we avoid it with a lie.

My motivation for wanting to improve in this area is my kids and the need for them to have a positive role model.  With honesty as a foundation, I (with my wife's help) want to give my kids the best shot at growing up to be outstanding, charismatic and honest people.  People respect honesty.

We can all continue to do better with our honesty because in the end it's the best way to live.  Truth...  Short-term pain for long-term gain.

Choice and Discipline.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today Was a Great Day!

Today was a great day!

5AM - Woke up, worked out and started the day with energy.

6:30AM - Headed to the office before continuing Downtown.

8AM - Attended a Lean Summit presented by Lean Sensei and featuring a keynote presentation by Dr. Jeffrey Liker, author of the Toyota Way and co-author of multiple other Toyota books.  Lean, leadership and a lot of learning were on the agenda.

6:30PM - Back at home for dinner with the family, caught up on everyone's day.  I especially like hearing how my 3.5 year young daughter's day went.

7PM - Play time with my kids before bed time.  Tonight it was a tea party with my daughter.

8:30PM - After the girls were in bed I headed out for a 7km run.

9PM - Wrote this post and an entry in my journal.

9:30PM - Spent time with my wife.

Somewhere between 10PM and 11PM - Read then get some sleep.  Right now I'm reading "Teaching the Elephant to Dance" by James Belasco, it's a little dated but the concepts still ring true.  Tomorrow will be another early rise so I can make another great day.

Monday, June 17, 2013


A recent conversation with someone and how they reacted to a traffic altercation inspired me to write.

NO MATTER WHAT SOMEONE ELSE DOES TO YOU, YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE OF HOW YOU'RE GOING TO REACT.  You don't have to 'flip the bird' in return.  You don't have to swear back.  You don't have to hit back.  You don't have to stoop to their level.  You do have an ability to make a choice.

In a striking example of coincidence there was even a news report on tonight of parents involved in a physical altercation at their children's sports day event.  The parent who did most of the damage in the fight was reportedly heard saying, "she started it".  This parent, and everyone else on the face of the earth, can make the choice to not take the eye for an eye mentality.

I strongly urge you to think about who's watching when you choose how you're going to react.  Kids?  Family?  Friends?  Colleagues?  Boss?  How you react to any situation will create a perception of you in other's eyes.  What perception do you want people to have of you?  Their perception is created by you and only you.

Something I always try to do is look at the situation from the other person's point of view.  Maybe they're having a bad day, they're running late or they've just received some bad news.  Regardless, you have no idea why they reacted the way they did, so don't form negative assumptions, rather choose to do the right thing and make the situation better with your reaction.  Besides, it's more important to be happy then right.  Agree?

Like I've said may times in the past, success kn anything comes down to choice and discipline, and the same goes for when you're faced with a tough situation.  Make the right choice for your success, happiness and health.

How great would the world be if we all lived our lives seeking to understand and choosing a positive response in every challenging situation?  One person at a time, we can get there.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Right Thing To Do

As part of my fitness goals I wanted to have an event that I was aiming to complete.  The tough part is that I'm not a marathon kinda guy and can't see myself running constantly for a long period of time, and on top of that my knees probably wouldn't hold up.

Now, the Tough Mudder, that's right up my alley.  If you haven't heard of the Tough Mudder then I highly recommend checking it out on Youtube.  It's a team event that combines fear inspiring obstacles with a long distance cross country run.  It's billed as probably the toughest event on the planet.  So, ready for the challenge, I signed up for the Tough Mudder with a team from my work.

How do I tie this into the right thing to do?  Well, after paying and registering to run the Mudder I found out that my oldest (3.5 years old) daughter's first gymnastics show is the same day as the Mudder.  This is where I was faced with a decision.

Now, in previous posts I've talked about knowing your purpose and starting everything with WHY.  It is my purpose that allowed me to know what the right decision was.  As much as I wanted to run the Mudder I chose to go to my daughter's gymnastics show and lose the $170 registration I paid.

My true north and purpose is to be the best role model and dad (with my wife's help) I can be for my kids; this drives and motivates me in every decision I make.  So, the right decision we easy.

I know my true north, if you don't know yours I highly recommend you find it.

Make it happen!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's Next?

I haven't written in my blog for a while, and have no good reason for this.  I've been keeping a journal for over a year now and find that to be an amazing source of reflection and insight into being human.  In my journal I write about events from the day and my insight into their meaning and purpose or spontaneity.

It could be the journal or maybe I've run out of things to say, either way I seem to be diminished to some degree when it comes to writing.

I've thought about writing about things like:
- 1000 ways to live a healthy lifestyle
- 100 opportunities to stay positive
- 10 most defining moments in my life

As I write this I'm trying to understand WHY I feel compelled to write despite not knowing what to write about.  All too often in the world today people just DO, without understanding why they're doing it and I don't want this blog to be something like that.

One thing is for sure, I'm a life long learner and writing in this blog and in my journal allow me to continuously learn about myself.