

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rule #6 - Enjoy Life

Stop and smell the roses, we've all heard that many times but sometimes forget about it.  In the grand scheme of things we're not on this planet for very long, so making sure you enjoy every moment is vitally important.  Life is too short.  There can be many potential hurdles that can derail you from enjoying everyday of your life, so your goal needs to be not only enjoying the good times but to find the positivity in the hurdles.

Life isn't about the big moments, it's about the journey between them.  All too often people put to much emphasis on getting enjoyment from the big happy moments in their lives.  However, in order to achieve true enjoyment we need to understand that it's all about the journey and not the destination.  Find happiness everyday and don't hope it comes at the end of the week, month or year.

Be positive, it's the key to happiness.  If you're walking around grumpy, critical and/or pessimistic these  behaviours are a guaranteed way to ensure you won't enjoy life.  So why do this to yourself?  What are you getting out of being negative?  Does it make you feel better?  I'd bet dimes to donuts that you'd probably be happier getting some joy and fulfillment out of life.  Don't forget, this is all a choice.

I use Vision Boards to keep me focused on achieving things and moments that are going to bring me joy.  Stuff like travel, kids growing up and being successful, balance, cool cars, and the list goes on.  Another version of vision boards are bucket lists, which a lot of people have.  Whatever you're aiming for just make sure you write it down and/or put it to paper with a picture because the difference between a dream and a goal is writing it down and looking at it everyday.

Through all this, one thing to remember is to NOT enjoy life too much, striving too much for joy can lead you to lose sight on balance in your life.  You shouldn't aim to do anything in excess.  Focusing too much time on the pursuit of joy can lead to over-extending yourself.  This can negatively affect your financial well being and potentially drive you into debt or bankruptcy.   Beyond financial problems you could simply burn yourself out, which could lead to health problems.  Everything in moderation.

Make joy happen and get some enjoyment out of everyday, even if only in a small way.

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