

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WOW the Customer, Ideon Packaging Style.

When was the last time you were WOWed? Do you remember the last time you WOWed someone? In business today there are many givens, from a competitive price and good quality product/service to good people but the key factor that separates good businesses from outstanding ones is the WOW factor. We all have the ability to WOW someone and we all know what it feels like to be WOWed, but sometimes we don’t see the opportunities to WOW someone else. If you want to be memorable, if you want to get ahead, if you want to make a difference, then start WOWing people.

What is a WOW?

Just say YES, plain and simple. Too often we get into the habit of needing to justify and explain why something can or can not be done; however, the reality is that people just don’t care; they just want to know their request will be looked after. Just say yes. Take it to the next level; do what you say you’re going to do, clarify and go beyond expectations, follow up after the task has been completed, the whole time being 100% sincere.

One of the subtle points to WOWing people is to treat them like you would want to be treated. In today’s fast-paced world we get bombarded with quick deadlines, indifference and insincerity. You need to fight back against these negatives with honesty, Integrity, and care. Be confident, take an interest in what they have to say, remember topics of conversation and bring it up the next time you’re speaking with them. Tone of voice always comes across loud and clear, if you’re having a good or bad day the other person can tell, trust me.

A WOW is the unexpected, the little (or big) thing that someone does for you that you had no idea they were thinking about. When someone follows up on an event or action to make sure everything went okay in order to improve the next time or acknowledge a job well done. Always try to read the situation and have a good understanding of what needs to be achieved, if there’s any confusion make sure to clarify expectations. Take it to the next level by looking at the big picture then do the things that weren’t asked to be done but will add value, go the extra mile and people will be WOWed.

Who should I WOW?

You should always want to WOW your customers but who are your customers? The answer is anyone and everyone who is a stakeholder in the business. Think of all the people you interact with everyday, all the people you give paperwork to, all the people who are dependant on you for information, all the people who rely on your business existing. Who your customers are goes way beyond the person/people who buy and use your product/service but also include your co-workers, suppliers, vendors and everyone each of these people network with. Are you WOWing these people? If you WOW any one of your customers, think about how many people they will talk to about the positive experience they had in dealing with you.

How do I WOW someone?

What are you doing to WOW people? At Ideon Packaging here are a few examples of how we WOW our customers on a regular basis:
- Be a GREAT empathic listener.
- Answer the phone in two rings or less.
- Understand a need and then do it before being asked.
- Always look for better ways, or add value to _______. Then pull the stakeholders together and make it happen.
- Not having an automated phone system. When you phone Ideon Packaging you get real people who can help you and answer your questions.
- We are committed to 100% on-time delivery.
- Returned phone calls & e-mails in 30 minutes, regardless if we have an answer or not. We want you to know we haven’t forgotten about you and that we’re still working on it.
- If you need boxes today then that’s what we’ll do, without a negotiation.
- Quotes sent ASAP, usually within the hour.
- Boxes to you in five days or they’re free.
- Have fun, it shines through in how we come across to our customers.

Now what are you waiting for? Go WOW someone!

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