

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Four Principles to a Healthy Lifestyle

Written by: Mike Nunn February 5, 2012

As the world gets faster, expectations become greater and deadlines get shorter. The pressure we put on ourselves is a direct result of external pressures but I’m here to tell you that how you react to these pressures is completely and 100% your choice. Here are my four principles for dealing with external pressures and working towards a healthy lifestyle.

Reduce/Eliminate Stress
If you don’t want to be stressed out, then don’t be stressed out! I know that’s a lot easier said than done but the sooner we come to that understanding, the better off we will be. Stress is self induced; it is created by nothing, or no one, other than you. The centre of this understanding is knowing the difference between what you can affect and what you cannot. There have been many books written on this topic, most memorably for me would be 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, who talks about the circle of influence and the circle of concern. What am I talking about? Here’s an example... Can you change the weather? No, so don’t get stressed about it, if it rains, it rains. Can you change a car that breaks down all the time? Yes, you can fix it or get a different car. Now, here’s the defining point: Doing something about it. If you can change/affect something but choose not to, then you have no reason to be stressed. Get over it and move on. So, when dealing with a situation that may be stressful, ask yourself; can I affect this or can I not affect this.

My belief is that having a balanced lifestyle is integral to achieving a healthy life; more specifically, dividing your energy between family, profession, exercise, education, spirituality, hobby, activity, and reflection. These are the areas where I aim to achieve balance; yours may be different, but your goal should be not to get focused on one thing. The movie About Schmidt starring Jack Nicholson comes to mind, where Nicholson becomes lost after he retires from a career that he devoted almost all his energy to. It’s worth watching if you get a chance.

The only way anyone can grow is by learning. With so many people in this world I don’t think there are any new problems for the majority of us, and chances are someone has written something about what you’re looking to learn or solve. I like to learn by reading books, not e-books, the paper ones you can touch and put a bookmark in. There are many ways you can learn and acquire new knowledge; you can read a website, take a class, watch a video/movie, talk to an expert, read a blog, go to a demonstration, trade shows, and the list goes on. All I stress is that if you want to grow and get more out of life then you need to learn; learn so you can grow personally and professionally. I know reading isn’t for everyone, it works for me because I like to visualize what I’m reading and try to paint a picture in my mind, like I’m there too. That being said, some books are harder to do this with than others.

Your Thoughts are Your Destiny
Most people have heard the quote, “whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” by Henry Ford, but have you ever really stopped to think about it? Think about the people around you, even yourself and the circumstances that sound them and you. Do unlucky or bad things continue to occur? Now think about the mindset... How well or poorly are other people treated? Do they have a balanced diet? Is stress a constant? Positive or negative attitude? I am a firm believer that you get out of life what you put into it. I recommend reading the book The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith, a powerful book on the power of your mind and thoughts.

"Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged cronic way of thinking, they're in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts". - Michael Bernard Beckwith

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