

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Get to The Root Cause

Written by Mike Nunn

When you're at work, or even at home, do you have any challenges or problems that continue to happen over and over again? Too often we get caught up in problem solving, which does a great job of fixing the problem but doesn't actually prevent the problem from happening again. Problem solving has another less popular name: fire fighting.

The best fire fighters are usually the ones who get promoted to Supervisor or Manager positions, and these are the same people who are running around like a chicken with its head cut off. What could be achieved if you were not fighting fires all day? How much more could you produce? How much more could you grow your business?

Think about it, if you spend 5 minutes fire fighting one problem that happens twice each day, then you will spend almost two full days each year dealing with that one problem. Staggering isn't it? If you could only stop that problem from happening after the first occurrence, what would you do with the extra two days? Moreover, how many other problems are you fire fighting in a day?

Instead of problem solving, you need to start getting to the ROOT of the problem(s). Once you discover the root of a problem you will know the reason that problem is occurring in the first place. Here's an example of a problem: A production worker did not add a specific part while assembling a widget.

In many companies this production worker might be reprimanded for not adding the part during assembly. But wait, did we ever stop to ask why this problem happened? I believe that people go to work to do a good job and never intend to make mistakes. People want to be recognized and rewarded. With that understanding we need to involve the production worker in getting to the root cause of why the part was missed in the assembly of the widget. There are many forms of root cause analysis tools out there but the easiest one for everyone to use is the Five Why method, which is simply asking why five times when a problem occurs. Now, let's Five Why the problem above.

Problem: A production worker did not add a specific part while assembling a widget.
Why? The worker didn't have any of that part to install.
Why? He had run out of stock.
Why? A replenishment order had not been placed.
Why? The person responsible for placing the replenishment order was not aware an order was needed.
Why? There was not a trigger to tell when a reorder is needed. Ah ha! The ROOT CAUSE!!
REMEMBER: When going through the Five Why process you MUST involve the stakeholders and DO NOT PLACE BLAME ON ANYONE!

Once you've determined the root cause you can put countermeasures in place to address/solve the root cause to the problem and as a result prevent the problem from happening again. Use this in all areas of your business, work or personal life to eliminate wasted time spent fire fighting and add more value.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Versatility of Lean

Lean is quite often thought of as a tool for improving a manufacturing/production environment, which is true. However, Lean can be used throughout your business from front office and accounting to shipping and maintenance. Lean can help you improve customer wait times, speed up order processing, reduce/eliminate paperwork errors, increase productivity and communication just to name a few. Take all the same Lean tools you use in production and bring them to the office, you'll be surprised.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Value Stream Mapping

Written by Mike Nunn

Processes surround us, and they are full of waste.

A Value Stream Map (VSM) can be applied to any business (from Manufacturing to Service) and any department in that business, from Sales to Production. If you want to understand, shorten, or eliminate waste from a process then a VSM is, in my opinion, the BEST place to start.

There are 6 fundamental elements to a good Value Stream Map:
1. Steps - Be sure you define the scope of your VSM before starting, that is what beginning and end steps are. Then let the stakeholders of the process help you fill in the rest. Ensure you capture any waits as steps.
2. Best Time - The fastest time each step can be completed, without rushing.
3. Worst Time - The slowest time each step can be completed.
4. Input - Does that step require any information or materials in order for the step to happen?
5. Output - Does that step generate any information or materials?
6. Issues - What issues are you having with each step? This is where the stakeholders are fundamental, encourage open feedback without judgement or criticism.

Once all the above information is captured for a process you need to identify which steps add value to the customer and which ones do not.

It is essential that when building a VSM that you have ALL the stakeholders in a process involved. Otherwise, you may not have captured all the steps or one of the other components to a Well built Value Stream Map.

Now that you've got a complete VSM it times for improvement, continuous improvement. That's an entirely different set of tools and skills but at least you're off to a good start.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Exercise... It's up to You!

Written by Mike Nunn

I just got in from a run, something that I try to do 2-3 times each week. I have a route that is a little over 5km through the neighbourhood where I live. Pushing myself to get up and get some exercise is something I try to do whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fanatic about exercise, I just know the importance of it and I don't let anything stop me from achieving it. Excuses could come easy to me; I've got a two-and-a-half year young daughter and an all around busy schedule that doesn't allow for much downtime, but I don't let that stop me. You may be wondering what does this guy know to be able to talk about the subject of exercise and health? Well, when I was 19 I lost 60lb (after being one of the biggest guys in my highschool graduating class) by applying this stuff, and more recently I've lost another 15lb. I am proof it works.

1. Limit or eliminate TV watching. I don't watch much TV at all, Canucks hockey games are about the only thing I make time for. Think about it, how has TV enriched your life? How has TV made you more money? Cut it out or severely reduce your TV time and put this new abundance of time towards your personal health and well-being.
2. Portion control (combined with a balanced diet). For most of us out there, we don't need to eat as much as we do. There's a quote I try to always follow by Adelle Davis (1904 - 1974), "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper." There are many websites and professionals out there who can help with exactly what and how much to eat. Believe me, the first couple weeks are the hardest but stick with it. You can do it!
3. It's up to no one but you. Some people don't have the knowledge as to where to begin or maybe need some motivation, there are lots of professionals out there who can help you. But just remember, it's all up to you!

Go make it happen, I know you can!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Written by Mike Nunn

Life is about choices.  Everything in life comes with a choice and no matter what, you always have a choice.  Sometimes it may not feel like you have a choice, but these are usually the times when the choice you want to make is so far out of your comfort zone that you disregard that a choice exists. Choices can be tough, I'm not denying it, but just remember that you always have a choice.

It is by the choices we make that define who we are.

WOW the Customer, Ideon Packaging Style.

When was the last time you were WOWed? Do you remember the last time you WOWed someone? In business today there are many givens, from a competitive price and good quality product/service to good people but the key factor that separates good businesses from outstanding ones is the WOW factor. We all have the ability to WOW someone and we all know what it feels like to be WOWed, but sometimes we don’t see the opportunities to WOW someone else. If you want to be memorable, if you want to get ahead, if you want to make a difference, then start WOWing people.

What is a WOW?

Just say YES, plain and simple. Too often we get into the habit of needing to justify and explain why something can or can not be done; however, the reality is that people just don’t care; they just want to know their request will be looked after. Just say yes. Take it to the next level; do what you say you’re going to do, clarify and go beyond expectations, follow up after the task has been completed, the whole time being 100% sincere.

One of the subtle points to WOWing people is to treat them like you would want to be treated. In today’s fast-paced world we get bombarded with quick deadlines, indifference and insincerity. You need to fight back against these negatives with honesty, Integrity, and care. Be confident, take an interest in what they have to say, remember topics of conversation and bring it up the next time you’re speaking with them. Tone of voice always comes across loud and clear, if you’re having a good or bad day the other person can tell, trust me.

A WOW is the unexpected, the little (or big) thing that someone does for you that you had no idea they were thinking about. When someone follows up on an event or action to make sure everything went okay in order to improve the next time or acknowledge a job well done. Always try to read the situation and have a good understanding of what needs to be achieved, if there’s any confusion make sure to clarify expectations. Take it to the next level by looking at the big picture then do the things that weren’t asked to be done but will add value, go the extra mile and people will be WOWed.

Who should I WOW?

You should always want to WOW your customers but who are your customers? The answer is anyone and everyone who is a stakeholder in the business. Think of all the people you interact with everyday, all the people you give paperwork to, all the people who are dependant on you for information, all the people who rely on your business existing. Who your customers are goes way beyond the person/people who buy and use your product/service but also include your co-workers, suppliers, vendors and everyone each of these people network with. Are you WOWing these people? If you WOW any one of your customers, think about how many people they will talk to about the positive experience they had in dealing with you.

How do I WOW someone?

What are you doing to WOW people? At Ideon Packaging here are a few examples of how we WOW our customers on a regular basis:
- Be a GREAT empathic listener.
- Answer the phone in two rings or less.
- Understand a need and then do it before being asked.
- Always look for better ways, or add value to _______. Then pull the stakeholders together and make it happen.
- Not having an automated phone system. When you phone Ideon Packaging you get real people who can help you and answer your questions.
- We are committed to 100% on-time delivery.
- Returned phone calls & e-mails in 30 minutes, regardless if we have an answer or not. We want you to know we haven’t forgotten about you and that we’re still working on it.
- If you need boxes today then that’s what we’ll do, without a negotiation.
- Quotes sent ASAP, usually within the hour.
- Boxes to you in five days or they’re free.
- Have fun, it shines through in how we come across to our customers.

Now what are you waiting for? Go WOW someone!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Four Principles to a Healthy Lifestyle

Written by: Mike Nunn February 5, 2012

As the world gets faster, expectations become greater and deadlines get shorter. The pressure we put on ourselves is a direct result of external pressures but I’m here to tell you that how you react to these pressures is completely and 100% your choice. Here are my four principles for dealing with external pressures and working towards a healthy lifestyle.

Reduce/Eliminate Stress
If you don’t want to be stressed out, then don’t be stressed out! I know that’s a lot easier said than done but the sooner we come to that understanding, the better off we will be. Stress is self induced; it is created by nothing, or no one, other than you. The centre of this understanding is knowing the difference between what you can affect and what you cannot. There have been many books written on this topic, most memorably for me would be 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, who talks about the circle of influence and the circle of concern. What am I talking about? Here’s an example... Can you change the weather? No, so don’t get stressed about it, if it rains, it rains. Can you change a car that breaks down all the time? Yes, you can fix it or get a different car. Now, here’s the defining point: Doing something about it. If you can change/affect something but choose not to, then you have no reason to be stressed. Get over it and move on. So, when dealing with a situation that may be stressful, ask yourself; can I affect this or can I not affect this.

My belief is that having a balanced lifestyle is integral to achieving a healthy life; more specifically, dividing your energy between family, profession, exercise, education, spirituality, hobby, activity, and reflection. These are the areas where I aim to achieve balance; yours may be different, but your goal should be not to get focused on one thing. The movie About Schmidt starring Jack Nicholson comes to mind, where Nicholson becomes lost after he retires from a career that he devoted almost all his energy to. It’s worth watching if you get a chance.

The only way anyone can grow is by learning. With so many people in this world I don’t think there are any new problems for the majority of us, and chances are someone has written something about what you’re looking to learn or solve. I like to learn by reading books, not e-books, the paper ones you can touch and put a bookmark in. There are many ways you can learn and acquire new knowledge; you can read a website, take a class, watch a video/movie, talk to an expert, read a blog, go to a demonstration, trade shows, and the list goes on. All I stress is that if you want to grow and get more out of life then you need to learn; learn so you can grow personally and professionally. I know reading isn’t for everyone, it works for me because I like to visualize what I’m reading and try to paint a picture in my mind, like I’m there too. That being said, some books are harder to do this with than others.

Your Thoughts are Your Destiny
Most people have heard the quote, “whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” by Henry Ford, but have you ever really stopped to think about it? Think about the people around you, even yourself and the circumstances that sound them and you. Do unlucky or bad things continue to occur? Now think about the mindset... How well or poorly are other people treated? Do they have a balanced diet? Is stress a constant? Positive or negative attitude? I am a firm believer that you get out of life what you put into it. I recommend reading the book The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith, a powerful book on the power of your mind and thoughts.

"Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged cronic way of thinking, they're in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts". - Michael Bernard Beckwith