

Friday, January 25, 2013

The World of You, What and Try.

We need to change.

We live in a world of You, What and Try.  And although not everyone is plagued by this mindset, unfortunately the vast majority of us are.  We need to change.  What do I mean by You, What and Try? Let's start with You; this is essentially a focus or blame of our current situations on anyone or anything other than ourselves.  Moreover, it's always looking for a scapegoat or external reason that we didn't achieve the results we want.  This could be health, economy, career, family or anywhere else we're not successful to a point where we believe we should be.  Next is What.  We're a species that is getting more and more attached to the What in life, the material things.  What I want; faster internet, more money, better health, fancy car, deeper relationships, and so on...  These are all what we want, they're "stuff" without meaning or purpose.  Lastly, there's Try.  This lovely three letter word is widespread and instils failure the moment it leaves our lips.  "I'll try to...", and when you don't get the results you want?  Hey, at least you tried...

We need to change to a mindset of Me, Why and Can.  it's all up to you, no one else.  Where ever you get to in life, or don't get to, you're the one that got you there.  We all need to focus on ourselves and what we can influence, stop wasting time on things you can't control.  Believe me, you can control more than you think.  When you hit road blocks and challenges you can rise up and keep moving forward or you can give up.  The world is full of people who have risen above challenges that seem insurmountable, be inspired by these people.  Don't wait and see, don't follow the crowd and don't be afraid of what others will say (they're just envious that you stepped up when they couldn't).  Be a leader.  Why...  Do you know why you do what you do?  Why do you go to work?  Why do you eat the way you do?  If you want more out of life then you have to start with why, your purpose, something deep within you driving you forward.  Without that meaning behind accomplishments you just get "stuff", and most of the time the "stuff" isn't really what you need or want.  Lastly, you Can.  You can achieve whatever you want and can be successful at whatever you want.  Seriously, you can.  You just need to know why you want it and have a purpose or understand that you're future is in your hands.  Take "Maybe" and "try" and replace them with "Can" and "Will".

Me, What and Can are not easy and take discipline, which is why we don't all do it.  It's hard, we try, we don't know why we're doing it and then blame external reasons when we don't get there.  I ask you this, if you could choose regret or discipline, which one would you pick?  Make a choice and be happy with which ever one you picked.

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