

Monday, January 21, 2013

Choice & Discipline

I find it funny, the more I read, the more I come across books, articles, blogs and online videos touting "The __ Steps to Achieve _____" or some permutation of this title.

I'm here to tell you that there's no magic or secret to achieving whatever you want out of life.  Success, in whatever you want, is nothing more than a choice and the discipline to stick with that choice.  That's it!  Nothing more or less.

You're the only person on the planet who can make the choice for your own success and you're also the only one who can have the discipline to stick with the choices you make.  Now, I have a firm belief that we all know what the better choice would be, the difference maker for the successful ones is their ability to be disciplined.

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, then eat a balanced diet and exercise.  Choice + Discipline!  If you want to get more out of your career, then put more into your career.  Choice + Discipline!  If you wish you had more money, then live within your means and save.  Choice + Discipline!  If you want anything more out of life...  You guessed it, choice and discipline.

But discipline is haarrrrrd!  No kidding!  Suck it up!  You can do it!

You can be disciplined, you just need to want it.  Bad.  So, I ask you...  How bad do you want it?  And if you truly want it that bad, whatever "it" may be for you, then take the words like "can't" or "try" or "maybe" or "but" and REMOVE THEM FROM YOUR VOCABULARY.  Replace them with "will" and "can" and "succeed".  Stop complaining, doubting and giving up.  Own your future.  Start RIGHT NOW.

We all have a choice; regret or discipline?  I choose discipline.  What do you choose?

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