

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rule #5 Surround yourself with good friends and family

There is not much more important in life than to surround yourself with supportive, caring and positive friends and family.  They are going to be there for you, pick you up when you're down and encourage you to be great.

You're going somewhere, probably moving up in life, you want people around you who are on a similar track.  Are they?  People who are on the same path as you, or who are already at a level you are striving to get to, will inspire you to push for more.  Life is too short.

Negative opinions of others can be a big derailer to your forward progress.  Naturally, people feel more at ease offering criticism when they know the other person and have an emotional bank account built up.  Quite often these people are what you call friends.  Moreover, your friends more than likely are the ones who have that emotional bank account built up.  If you have a friend who is always being a downer and offering up their latest dose of cynicism, pessimism or blatant negativity then maybe it's time you take a good look at why you spend time with this person.  Is that really a friend?

Have you ever quit a friend?  I have.  More than once.  Both times they were two of my best friends at the time, but I had to make a decision for me.  You can't control your family and friend's choices, attitudes and reactions but what you can control is your attitude and choices.  if the people close to you have destructive behavior then you need to make the choice to move forward and not continue to be held back.  Don't get me wrong, quitting a friend isn't easy, but it may be what's best for you.

Be strong, surround yourself with strength, get stronger.

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