

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ideon 4theKids Radio Shout Out

Here's the radio shout-out Ideon got for donating toys to a local charity.  Great job Team Ideon!  Thanks to Mike and Tara on 103.5 QM/FM for the praise.

BC's Best Manufacturing Company to Work For Gives Back

Ideon Packaging has been named the 2012 BC's Best Manufacturing Company to work for by BC Business Magazine.

It started over 10 years ago; Rick and Dave sat down and had a conversation about boxes.  Over many cups of coffee the vision started to unfold. How do we differentiate ourselves?  Could a box company design, manufacture and deliver boxes in 5 days, consistently?  Could a WOW culture exist that all team members believe in?  Could a company prosper, while giving back to the community and being environmentally responsible?

Ideon’s growth over the past 10 years has been rapid.  From its humble beginnings on Annacis Island to a custom facility in Richmond, Ideon has grown to 85,000 sq. ft. spanning over 2 buildings.  And with our latest addition of an Industrial Digital Printing Press - the only one of its kind in Western Canada - Ideon's advancement continues.

All of Ideon’s amazing machinery is really nothing without Ideon’s most important asset: its People.  Ideon was founded on an open culture where people are allowed to make decisions in an effort to always WOW the customer.  Our growth hasn’t changed our values; we understand that all team members add value and are the core to our success.  Moreover, the focus on our people is the reason for Ideon being named BC’s Best Manufacturing company to work for.

Another reason for Ideon being named BC’s Best Manufacturing Company to work for is our entire team’s commitment to our 4theKids charity.  During the Holiday season is when our year-long employee bottle drive program pays it forward by taking all the money raised and purchase toys for less fortunate kids.  This year, Ideon, our employees and customers joined forces to donate approximately $4000 of toys to three local organizations; Richmond Christmas Fund, Canuck Place and BC Children’s Hospital.  We loaded up one of out trucks and delivered the toys today. 

For the full article on all of BC’s Best Companies check out the story on-line at

For more on Ideon Packaging and 4theKids please visit our website at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

No Excuses!

Don't give up, persist.
Don't try, do.
Don't complain, influence.
Don't keep doing the same, kaizen.
Don't settle, succeed.

Monday, November 26, 2012

4theKids at the Holidays

Through Ideon's 4theKids charity we are able to raise money that is used to buy Christmas presents for less fortunate kids and families.  Here's a picture of the growing pile of toys in our reception area.

Money is raised through donations and our year-round employee bottle drive.  For the bottle drive, employees are encouraged to bring in all their returnable containers (pop cans, water bottles, etc.) and all the deposit money is collected and donated to our 4theKids charity.

If you want to learn more about Ideon Packaging's 4theKids charity please go to and check it out.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Your Career & Planting Seeds

Remember back when you were a kid, in elementary school, when you had to grow a plant for the first time?  Maybe it wasn't a plant for you, maybe it was a tree, but whatever it was you had to grow it.  Some of the things that planting a seed teaches us...

- For something to grow you have to care for, feed and nurture it.
- It takes time and you can't rush it.
- Small things have the potential to become big beautiful things.
- Some plants require more attention than others, some are more fragile than others.

So how come we forget these teachings when it comes to our careers?  Your career or profession is one of the most important foundations of your life; family, religion, charity, are some of the other foundations you should be focusing on.  Yet, I remember as I neared graduation from post secondary school I was told that I should expect to change jobs ten times in my career.  Why?

Here are some of the ways your career is like the seed...

It takes work.  If you don't work at it, the plant dies.  Not sure if this needs much explanation.  If you want success in your career then it's going to take a lot of hard work.

Constant replanting may give you a nice new pot but the plant may not survive.  In other words, constantly jumping ship to find a new job may allow you run away from a not-so-perfect situation, but you don't learn how to work through problems.  Replanting may not be completely a bad thing, especially if bigger and better opportunities present themselves to you.  Don't move sideways, always be moving up towards success.

No matter how much you want the plant to grow faster it comes in it's own time.  A successful career will come if you want it and work for it.  I can't tell you when or how or what, but there will be moments when you have to make decisions to go.  Go.  Just remember, be ready for that moment when it comes.  That moment could be tomorrow, next year or ten years from now and it won't come any faster no matter how hard you try.  Get really good at making yourself ready for the opportunity.

There might be other seeds growing in your shadows, give them some light.  Friends, subordinates, peers and coworkers are growing their own careers as best they can, you should be supportive and positive in their quest success.  Whatever you want, give it away.

Inside a tiny seed there is the potential for a mighty oak.  You have the potential to be whatever you want and don't forget it.  Be successful in your career or lament in the lack of success, your choice.

Rule #5 Surround yourself with good friends and family

There is not much more important in life than to surround yourself with supportive, caring and positive friends and family.  They are going to be there for you, pick you up when you're down and encourage you to be great.

You're going somewhere, probably moving up in life, you want people around you who are on a similar track.  Are they?  People who are on the same path as you, or who are already at a level you are striving to get to, will inspire you to push for more.  Life is too short.

Negative opinions of others can be a big derailer to your forward progress.  Naturally, people feel more at ease offering criticism when they know the other person and have an emotional bank account built up.  Quite often these people are what you call friends.  Moreover, your friends more than likely are the ones who have that emotional bank account built up.  If you have a friend who is always being a downer and offering up their latest dose of cynicism, pessimism or blatant negativity then maybe it's time you take a good look at why you spend time with this person.  Is that really a friend?

Have you ever quit a friend?  I have.  More than once.  Both times they were two of my best friends at the time, but I had to make a decision for me.  You can't control your family and friend's choices, attitudes and reactions but what you can control is your attitude and choices.  if the people close to you have destructive behavior then you need to make the choice to move forward and not continue to be held back.  Don't get me wrong, quitting a friend isn't easy, but it may be what's best for you.

Be strong, surround yourself with strength, get stronger.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Get Deep With Your Customers

Relationships, relationships, relationships...

In today's business to business world, customer loyalty needs to be fostered and built upon everyday.  Your customers have too many options (locally and abroad) in any industry to fill their needs, and you can't afford to lose one customer due to a missing or dwindling relationship.  Here are a list of questions to ask your customers that will help you get to a deeper more meaningful level and to better understand them.

1) If you were to walk out into your warehouse right now and found out that you're out of (your product, i.e. widgets), how would that affect you?  Has this happened?

2) What is your sales strategy?  How do you hold your sales team accountable?  Do you advertise?

3) How many other (your industry, i.e. packaging) suppliers have you dealt with?  What have your experiences been like?

4) How do your customers react to late orders?

5) How would you rank the following things in terms of importance to you?  To your company?  Quality, price, lead time and customer service...

6) How would you describe a GREAT supplier?  Do you have any?

7) What would you do if you lost your top two customers?  What do you do to keep them loyal?

8) Your biggest customer calls right now and needs an order today... How do you respond?  What lead time do you normally offer?  Why not faster?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Simple Steps to Drive Change

This was inspired by a post on my LinkedIn profile, which was a much more abbreviated version.  Here I can expand a little more.

Here are some simple steps to finding, driving and leading change:

1) Get out from behind your desk, cubicle, office or where ever your comfort zone exists.
2) Go to the gemba.  The gemba is a Japanese word for where the value is created.  The gemba could be any area, any system or any process, whether your in a product or service business, whether you're in the public or private sector.  The gemba is a production line, point of sale, order entry, patient admitting, A/R, or anywhere else a process exists.  By the way, everything is a process!
3) Watch the process happen.  Don't rush this, spend a few hours watching if you can.  Don't focus on individuals, watch the entire process.  Use this observation time to look for waste, all 8 forms of it.
4) Gather the stakeholders.  The stakeholders are anyone involved in the process, and you can't afford to miss anyone.
5) Ask "why?" where issues and problems exist?  Do this without blame or finger pointing.  Keep asking why until you get to the root of the problem.
6) Generate solutions to address the root cause of the problem(s).  If you don't drill down to the root of the problem and implement solutions for the root of the problem then the problem will persist.  For example, if a customer is invoiced incorrectly and you simply credit and re-bill then all you've done is fix the problem.  You've done nothing to prevent the invoicing error from happening again.  Why did the invoice error happen in the first place?  Start digging!
7) Implement the solutions with a HUGE emphasis on training.
8) Share the results with your organization.
9) Repeat.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Important Things In Life

Only a matter of days ago I became a dad for the second time.  As I sit at the hospital with my wife, this life changing experience has a profound effect on helping me to truly understand what is important in life.  Having someone who is 100% dependent on my wife and I opens my eyes and gives me perspective on where my priorities should be.

Family and friends. My wife and two daughters mean the world to me, I would do anything for them, no exceptions. While not everyone was able to make it to the hospital for a visit, which is understandable, we had many calls and emails congratulating us on the new addition to our family. Surrounding ourselves with loving and caring family and friends is so important and gives us an amazing feeling of support.

Health. Like our first daughter, our second daughter was born with good health. For this we are thankful and blessed. Many parents have children who are born with disability or illness, which can put a huge stress on a family. I commend any family who stays strong and unified under these circumstances. Don't take yours or your children's health for granted, do everything you can to stay healthy, active and in shape so that you can raise your children with the same vision.

Profession. Having a career or profession that allows us to support out family and my wife to stay at home on maternity leave is a true blessing. There are too many people out there who don't have this luxury and are unable to enjoy some of the things that so many others take for granted.  If you have a job, be thankful, even if you don't love your job at least you have one. Thank you to everyone at Ideon Packaging and the Sutton Place Hotel.

Don't let the unimportant things distract you from what's important.  Hug and kiss your kids, tell your parents you love them, thank your friends for being there for you and honour all the important things in your life.