

Sunday, February 24, 2013

No Excuses!

There's always an opportunity to come up with an excuse.  Why?  Why do people make excuses?  

My feeling is that there's a few reasons why people make excuses; they don't want to deal with a potential failure, it's going to be hard work, and/or they're worried what others might say.  There's probably a lot more reasons why people make excuses, but these three are the main ones.  You are stronger than these things!

The famous quote that comes to mind is by the Star Wars movie character Yoda, who said "Do or do not, there is no try."  Excuses fall somewhere between 'do' and 'do not', in the same place where 'trying' lives.

If you're looking for the pathway to success then you have to take the path that is free of trying and excuses.  The first step on the path to success starts with choice and discipline, the choice to walk the path and the discipline to stay on the path despite distractions, bad habits and temptations to get off the path.  A choice to make excuses is a choice to accept mediocrity, and if that's your choice then be happy with it and don't regret the outcome.  What I believe is that we all have a choice between regret and discipline.  What do you choose?  I choose discipline.

Don't give up, persist. Don't try, do. Don't complain, influence. Don't keep doing the same, change. Don't settle, succeed.

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