

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How Important is the First Impression?

I have people call on me all the time.  Some people do a good job of making a positive impression (through a little research), or conveying they can add value or some are the benefactor of good timing when they first call or drop in.  In each case, the first impression created when I meet someone gives me a huge indication as to what the future may hold.  This goes for interviews as well; In my opinion, being late without a phone call ends the interview before it even starts.

I very recently had set up an appointment with someone who was one of the benefactors of a well timed cold call, for a service that I had recently developed a need for.  The day of the meeting came and this person was late, without a call, she was 20 minutes late.  This was my first impression of her and the company she represented; moreover, it gave a potential glimpse into what service level I would be receiving down the road.  When she eventually showed up I told her the impression she had created and politely told her that I wasn't going to meet with her.  How would you handle that?  With so many options for every product or service out there, we can't afford to destroy our chances from the get go, the first impression is extremely important

Being late for an appointment, lunch or anything will happen to all of us eventually, but the defining factor is how we deal with being late.  Do you call the other party to let them know you're running behind?  Or do you show up late and hope everything is okay and the other person you're meeting is forgiving?  It's your choice to make.

A helpful tip used by some very good sales people I know; when you set up an appointment, try telling the person you'll be there between two times.  For example, "I'll be there between 9AM and 9:30AM."  This will give you a bit of flexibility in your arrival time.

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