I've decided to create my own website: www.MikeNunn.ca.
For the longest time I've been wanting to write, initially thinking this blog was the answer but without a focus I lost the passion that I needed to keep it going. Then I moved to journaling, which I've continued doing since May 2012. I truly enjoy journaling and maintain a passion for it because it's for me, by me, meant as a reflection tool. Though this, over the last year, I've still wanted to do more with respect to writing. A couple weeks ago it hit me, Lean!
The more I get into Lean with Ideon and networking, the more I've realized that Lean (and my opinions/ideas surrounding Lean) is what I want to write about. There are so may topics within in Lean that I can share my experiences from, and my goal is to share them in a way that is easy for anyone to understand, not just people who know what gemba, heijunka and poke yoke are.
To give you an idea of what I will be talking about, here are some topics I will be sharing:
- The Process of Problem Solving
- Solutions - Steps to Sustainment
- Scope - Staying Focused on the Task at Hand
- Training - It's Not a Single Event
With my passion for Lean and drive to have it add value to anyone who wants to learn more about it I created MikeNunn.ca. The website isn't live yet, I'm still building it, but it will be up soon. I will use this blog as the main source of fresh content to keep the site up-to-date, the site will ink directly to my blog.
So... This is the rebirth of Thought To Reality as a source for my thoughts, ideas, experiences and opinions on all things Lean.
Stay tuned.