

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Challenge Yourself

No matter what we do, how do we get better?  By challenging ourselves to go beyond our current levels and break into new uncharted territory.

Growth takes time.  Too many people expect results now, which is unrealistic no matter what you're looking to get better at.  If it's your career, fitness, knowledge, skills or anything else, you have to put the time into dedicated practice, practice and more practice.  If there's something that you really want, then your going to have to look at where you spend your time and stop doing the things that rob you of the precious time needed to practice.  I don't watch much TV, there are so many other better things you could be doing to grow yourself.  How much TV do you watch?  Are you at where you want to be in life?

Don't let fear or the negative impressions of others hold you back.  In fact, these two things are great indicators that you're going in the right direction.  Use them to drive you farther and faster to a better you.

You have all the motivation you need inside of you, it just needs to be let out.

 It all starts with a decision, a choice to get better.  Once you make the decision to get better you need to stick with it and focus on it.  You will be successful.

Challenge + Hard Work = Success